Dental Services

Home Dental Services Fear Factor

Fear Factor

We understand that many people don’t like to visit the dentist. The drilling, the noise, the shots and just having someone messing with your mouth can be discomforting. We deal with all of these factors. It is best to start with a non-threatening appointment consisting of just an exam and any necessary x-rays. This action puts you in a position of knowing the severity of your dental problem. It has been our experience that most people who are afraid don’t have as bad a dental problem as they imagine they have. If dental work is needed beyond a regular cleaning, we can perform at any of the levels below:

For a minimal fee you can relax through your appointment with the use of Laughing Gas/Nitrous Oxide

Level 1

We use nitrous oxide, a safe, effective and reversible sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through your nose to help you relax.

Level 2

We use a local anesthetic to numb the area. We use The Wand to give the shot. The Wand is an injection device that is superior to syringes. Much of the discomfort of the injection is caused by the sudden expansion of the tissues, NOT the needle itself.

Level 3

We simply combine the nitrous oxide with Wand administered novocaine. This combination, along with headphones to drown out the noise of the drill, can make the modern dental experience comfortable.

Level 4

At this level we add a Diazepam pill that you take 90 minutes prior to your appointment.